ACVIM Urine Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin in Non-Associative Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia: A Prospective Controlled Study in 22 Dogs
ACVIM Expression of osteogenic proteins in kidneys of cats with nephrocalcinosis
ACVIM Effect of a single rectal fecal microbiota transplantation on clinical severity and fecal microbial communities in dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathy
ACVIM Feasibility and complications of videocapsule endoscopy in dogs weighing 7 kg or less
ACVIM Effect of additional dimensions and views in the echocardiographic determination of 3-dimensional left ventricular volume in myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs
ACVIM Medication compliance by cat owners prescribed treatment for home administration
ACVIM Orally administered prednisolone decreases plasma arginine vasopressin and serum copeptin concentrations in healthy dogs
ACVIM Clinical characteristics associated with cervical hydrated nucleus pulposus extrusion in dogs
ACVIM Survival of radioiodine treated hyperthyroid cats that are euthyroid and hypothyroid after treatment, and effect of levothyroxine supplementation on survival time of cats with iatrogenic hypothyroidism
ACVIM Characterization of post-ictal clinical signs in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy: A questionnaire-based study
ACVIM Plasma amino acid profiles of dogs with the hepatocutaneous syndrome and dogs with other chronic liver diseases
ACVIM Pimobendan oral solution is bioequivalent to pimobendan chewable tablets in beagle dogs
ACVIM Echocardiographic evaluation of the size of the main pulmonary artery and right pulmonary artery in dogs with pulmonary hypertension
ACVIM Insulin degludec 100 U/mL for treatment of spontaneous diabetes mellitus in dogs
Veterinary Dermatology Comparative study of a commercial formula containing natural antimicrobials versus oral cephalexin or topical chlorhexidine-miconazole therapies for treating superficial pyoderma in dogs
Veterinary Dermatology Clinical aspects of middle ear tympanokeratoma in dogs diagnosed through advanced imaging, otoendoscopy and histopathological evaluation
Veterinary Dermatology Comparative efficacy and safety of ilunocitinib and oclacitinib for the control of pruritus and associated skin lesions in dogs with atopic dermatitis
Veterinary Dermatology Quantification of intraepithelial canine melanocytes in different somatic areas
Veterinary Dermatology Transcriptomic profiling of dorsal root ganglia in atopic and healthy dogs: A comparative RNA sequencing study with implications in cutaneous itch research
Veterinary Dermatology Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus casei on Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates
Veterinary Surgery Teaching experience, not surgical residency training, is the critical factor in optimizing student learning outcomes in performing ovariohysterectomy on a model
Veterinary Surgery Chest wall lift for thoracoscopic lung lobectomy: Technique and results in two cats
Veterinary Surgery The influence of age at total hip replacement on perioperative complications associated with a press-fit cementless stem with lateral bolt in dogs
Veterinary Surgery Evaluation of a patient-specific 3D-printed guide for ventral slot surgery in dogs: An ex vivo study
Veterinary Surgery Treatment of antebrachial deformities secondary to premature closure of the distal radial physis using circular external skeletal fixation and distraction osteogenesis in skeletally immature dogs
Veterinary Surgery Prestretching increases working space at the same insufflation pressure in dogs undergoing laparoscopic procedures
VRU Clinical Presentation of Frontal Sinus Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Dog and Response to Treatment With Radiation Therapy in Eight Dogs
VRU May a Single Presurgical High-Field MRI Sequence Replace Standard Radiographs for TPLO Surgical Planning in Dogs?
VRU ECG-Gated Cardiac Multidetector CT Evaluation of the Normal Pulmonary Valve and Right Ventricular Outflow Tract in Dogs
VRU Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography for Cholangiopancreatic Duct Imaging in Dogs
JFMS Cardiovascular changes in Persian cats with polycystic kidney disease: a study of cardiac troponin I, echocardiography and blood pressure
JFMS Isolation of the feline herpesvirus-1 modified live vaccine strain F2 from one of four cats with dendritic ulcers
JFMS Signalment, clinicopathological findings, management practices and comorbidities in cats with diabetes mellitus in Germany: cross-sectional study of 144 cases
JFMS Effect of acetate- and lactate-containing intravenous fluid on acid-base status, electrolytes and plasma lactate concentration in dehydrated cats
JFMS Triage body temperature predicts outcome in cats at emergency department admission: a retrospective study of 1440 cases (January 2018 to December 2021)
JFMS Evaluation of a point-of-care test for quantitative determination of total thyroxine in feline serum
JFMS Effect of age, sex, breed and venipuncture site on platelet count and clumping in feline blood samples
JFMS Plasma glucagon-like peptide-2 in cats with chronic enteropathies
JFMS Comparative evaluation of left atrial size in healthy cats measured by two-dimensional echocardiography and cardiovascular MRI
JFMS Evaluation of serum galectin-3 concentrations in healthy cats and in cats with ureteral obstruction
🏅2위 JFMS Nucleated red blood cells for characterization of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in dogs
🏅3위 ACVIM Use of thymidine kinase 1 autoantibody, thymidine kinase antigen, extracellular protein kinase A autoantibody, and C-reactive protein for early detection of malignant tumors in dogs
🏅4위 ACVIM Prednisolone pharmacokinetics in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy
🏅5위 ACVIM Clinical importance of borderline proteinuria in nonazotemic cats and evaluation of other risk factors for the development of chronic kidney disease