ACVIM 🇫🇷 Exploring brain perfusion in dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown origin: A promising role for arterial spin labeling imaging
ACVIM 🇺🇸 The use of a percutaneous cystostomy tube as an adjunctive treatment option for dogs with idiopathic functional outflow tract obstruction
ACVIM 🇺🇸 Utilizing the Ellik bladder evacuator during cystoscopic retrieval of urocystoliths in 12 dogs
ACVIM 🇬🇧 Comorbidities, long-term outcome and poststroke epilepsy associated with ischemic stroke – A multicenter observational study of 125 dogs
ACVIM 🇺🇸 Prednisolone pharmacokinetics in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy
ACVIM 🇬🇧 Retrospective evaluation of computed tomographic-guided Tru-Cut biopsies in 16 dogs and 14 cats with nasal cavity mass lesions
ACVIM 🇬🇧 Clinical characterization of a novel episodic ataxia in young working Cocker Spaniels
ACVIM 🇬🇧 Spinal arachnoid diverticula in cats: Clinical presentation, diagnostic imaging findings, treatment, and outcome
ACVIM 🇧🇪 Alterations in gut-derived uremic toxins before the onset of azotemic chronic kidney disease in cats
ACVIM 🇺🇸 Leukoreduction in a dog with acute leukemia
Veterinary Dermatology 🇯🇵 Localised apolipoprotein A-I amyloidosis arising in a fibroadnexal hamartoma in a dog
Veterinary Dermatology 🇯🇵 Immunotherapy using pullulan-conjugated Der f 2 allergen in canine atopic dermatitis: An anti-inflammatory agent-sparing approach
Veterinary Dermatology 🇰🇷 Topical dexamethasone decelerates epithelial migration on the canine tympanic membrane
Veterinary Surgery 🇺🇸 Intercostal thoracoscopic pericardiectomy in left lateral recumbency: A cadaveric study of feasibility, efficiency, and extent of pericardial resection
Veterinary Surgery 🇺🇸 Serum amikacin concentrations in dogs with naturally occurring open wounds treated with topical amikacin in carboxymethylcellulose hydrogel
Veterinary Surgery 🇬🇧 The association between gonadectomy and timing of gonadectomy, and the risk of canine cranial cruciate ligament disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Veterinary Surgery 🇬🇧 Impact of postoperative radiography on the management of humeral condylar fractures in immature dogs
Veterinary Surgery 🇪🇸 Use of intraoperative transsplenic injection of agitated saline to confirm temporary full attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs
Veterinary Surgery 🇺🇸 Influence of skin preparation on surgical site infection and lift of adhesive surgical drapes
VRU 🇬🇧 Ultrasonographic features of feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia on initial presentation and during follow-up
VRU 🇰🇷 Usefulness of computed tomography findings for predicting soft tissue sarcoma grades
VRU 🇮🇹 Computed tomographic findings in dogs with ovarian tumors: A tortuous ovarian artery consistently identifies ovarian origin in complex abdominal masses
VRU 🇺🇸 MRI findings in six dogs with ependymoma of the brain and spinal cord
VRU 🇨🇦 Gross target volume contouring in canine extra-axial brain tumors: Effects of magnetic resonance image slice thickness and time between subsequent image sets
VRU 🇺🇸 Comprehensive radiographic grading system and clinical outcomes of canine tibial avulsion fractures in dogs
VRU 🇺🇸 American College of Veterinary Radiology and European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging consensus statement on imaging report foundations
VRU 🇳🇿 Computed tomography-guided drainage of a canine intracerebral abscess
VRU 🇬🇧 Computed tomographic features and temporal evolution of the magnetic resonance imaging features of a resolving intracranial intraventricular hematoma in a dog
VRU 🇰🇷 Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae in small-breed dogs: Prevalence, classification, and characteristics
VRU 🇺🇸 Long-term outcome following multimodality treatment in a cat with recurrent laryngeal adenocarcinoma
VRU 🇺🇸 Computed tomographic findings in 25 cats with ear canal neoplasia
VRU 🇺🇸 Hepatic parenchymal hypoattenuation in dogs with diabetes mellitus on computed tomography consistent with hepatic steatosis
VRU 🇳🇴 Deep learning can detect elbow disease in dogs screened for elbow dysplasia
JFMS 🇬🇧 Treatment of patellar luxation with polyethylene sulcal ridge prostheses in 44 feline stifles: a retrospective study
JFMS 🇦🇹 Measurement of ground reaction forces in cats after total hip replacement
JFMS 🇪🇸 Prevalence of feline hyperthyroidism in a laboratory-based sample of 27,888 cats in Spain
JFMS 🇦🇺 Feline caudal vena cava to aorta ratio reference interval
JFMS 🇵🇹 Intraoperative nociceptive and clinical comparisons between ventral midline and flank ovariectomy in feral and stray cats
JFMS 🇫🇷 Clinical and prognostic relevance of Mycoplasma felis PCR detection in feline lower respiratory tract disease
JFMS 🇩🇪 Retrospective study of partial lateral corpectomy to treat thoracic and lumbar intervertebral disc herniation in 12 cats
JFMS 🇨🇭 Window entrapment trauma in cats: clinical, neurological and clinicopathological findings and outcome (70 cases)
🏅2위 JFMS 🇺🇸 Doxycycline with or without famciclovir for infectious ophthalmic and respiratory disease: a prospective, randomized, masked, placebo-controlled trial in 373 kittens
🏅3위 ACVIM 🇺🇸 Frequency and progression of azotemia during acute and chronic treatment of congestive heart failure in cats
🏅4위 ACVIM 🇺🇸 Dose-exposure-response of CARDALIS® (benazepril/spironolactone) on the classical and alternative arms of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in healthy dogs
🏅5위 ACVIM 🇩🇰 Evaluation of laboratory findings indicating pancreatitis in healthy lean, obese, and diabetic cats