ACVIM | ACVIM consensus statement on the diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia in dogs and cats [보러가기]
ACVIM | ACVIM consensus statement on the treatmentofimmune thrombocytopenia in dogs and cats[보러가기]
ACVIM | Corticosteroid monotherapyversus combined cytarabinecontinuous rate infusion and corticosteroid therapy in dogs with meningoencephalitisof unknown origin: A blinded, randomized, controlled trial[보러가기]
ACVIM | Comparison of hematologicvariables between dogs with congenital intrahepaticand extrahepatic portosystemic shunts[보러가기]
ACVIM | Detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in an inflammatory pericardial effusion of a dog [보러가기]
ACVIM | The echocardiographic pulmonary to left atrial ratio: A noninvasive variable for the hemodynamic classification of pulmonary hypertension in dogs [보러가기]
ACVIM | Clinical manifestations ofchronic pancreatitis in English cocker spaniels [보러가기]
ACVIM | A review: Pancreatic enzymes in the treatment of chronic pancreatic insufficiencyin companion animals [보러가기]
ACVIM | Placement of an artificial urethral sphincter in 8 male dogs with urethral diverticulum[보러가기]
ACVIM | Platelet hyperresponsiveness and increased platelet-neutrophil aggregatesin dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease and pulmonary hypertension[보러가기]
ACVIM | Clinical efficacy and tolerability of zonisamidemonotherapy in dogs with newly diagnosed idiopathic epilepsy: Prospective open-label uncontrolled multicenter trial [보러가기]
ACVIM | Survival in dogs with meningoencephalomyelitisof unknown etiology with and without lesions detected by magnetic resonance imaging [보러가기]
ACVIM | A systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence of complications after tracheal stenting in dogs [보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Bilateral pyogranulomatous otitis externa with putative cartilage destruction in a dog: A severe case of auricular chondritis? [보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Pharmacology of drugs used in autoimmune dermatopathies in cats and dogs: A narrative review [보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Oclacitinibtherapy in two catswith refractory proliferativeand necrotising otitis externa[보러가기]
VES | Outcome of video-assisted thoracoscopictreatment of idiopathic chylothorax in 15 cats [보러가기]
VES | Three-dimensionally printed osteotomyand reaming guides for correction of a multiplanar femoral deformity stabilized with an interlocking nail in a dog [보러가기]
VES | Outcomes of 15 dogs and two cats with metabone fractures treated with fluoroscopically guided normograde metabone pinning[보러가기]
VES | Cooled feline intestine and fresh intestine did not differ inenterotomy leak pressure testingor in gross wall thickness measurement [보러가기]
VES | In vitro evaluation of a hybrid negative pressure system for wound therapy[보러가기]
VES | The impact of surgery resident training on the duration of tibial plateau leveling osteotomy surgery[보러가기]
VES | Effect of continuous positive airway pressure helmet on respiratory function following surgical procedures in brachycephalic dogs: A randomized controlled trial[보러가기]
VES | Variables associated with the prevalence of self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders in veterinary laparoscopic surgeons[보러가기]
VRU | Computed tomographic characteristics of testicular teratomain a cat[보러가기]
VRU | Computed tomographic findings in canine and feline heart base tumors (25 cases) [보러가기]
VRU | Intra- and interobserver agreement incomputed tomography localization of primary nonhematopoietic hepatic massesand comparison with surgicaland histopathological outcomes in 21 cats [보러가기]
VRU | The construction of caninedistal limb models used in teaching sonographyidentification of vegetal foreign bodies[보러가기]
VRU | Rectal volume is correlated with interfractional positional shifts of the prostate gland in dogs receivingradiation therapy[보러가기]
VRU | Ultrasonographic and CT-scan findings of splenic active chylous effusion and postlymphangiographyenhancement in a cat with chylothoraxassociated withsplenic angiosarcoma[보러가기]
JFMS | Neuropathic pain in cats: Mechanisms and multimodal management[보러가기]
JFMS | Xanthinuriain a familial group of Munchkin cats and an unrelated domestic shorthair cat [보러가기]
JFMS | Use of a novel three-dimensional anatomical plating system for treatment of caudal mandibular fracturesin cats: 13 cases (2019–2023) [보러가기]
JFMS | Use of orally administered dexmedetomidineto induce emesisin cats [보러가기]
JFMS | Assessment of the effect of gabapentinon blood pressurein cats with and without chronic kidney disease[보러가기]
JFMS | Diabetic ketoacidosis in the cat: recognition and essential treatment [보러가기]
JFMS | Peculiaritiesof feline hyperadrenocorticism: update on diagnosis and treatment [보러가기]
JFMS | ISFM Consensus Guidelines on the Diagnosisand Managementof Hypertensionin Cats[보러가기]
JFMS | AAFP and ISFM Guidelines forDiagnosing and Solving House-Soiling Behaviorin Cats [보러가기]