ACVIM | Incidence and characterization of aerophagia in dogs using videofluoroscopic swallow studies[보러가기]
ACVIM | Vincristine-induced adverse events related to body weight in dogs treated for lymphoma[보러가기]
ACVIM | The effect of feeding on serum concentrations of cobalamin, folate, trypsin-like immunoreactivity, and pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity in dogs with signs of chronic gastrointestinal disease[보러가기]
ACVIM | Malignant transformation and subsequent leptomeningeal carcinomatosis of a gastric polyp in a dog[보러가기]
ACVIM | Pharmacokinetics of amikacin after intravenous, intra-articular, and combined intravenous and intra-articular administration in healthy neonatal foals[보러가기]
ACVIM | Prognostic potential of copper, zinc, copper/zinc ratio, cobalamin, and serum amyloid A in cats with panleukopenia[보러가기]
ACVIM | Safety profile and effects on the peripheral immune response of fecal microbiotatransplantation in clinically healthy dogs[보러가기]
ACVIM | Utility of immature platelet fraction in the Sysmex XN-1000V for the differential diagnosis of central and peripheral thrombocytopenia in dogs and cats[보러가기]
ACVIM | Evaluation of muscle mass and intramuscular fatty infiltration in dogs with hypercortisolism and their association with prognosis[보러가기]
ACVIM | Traumatic and iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury in 38 dogs and 10 cats: Clinical and electrodiagnostic findings[보러가기]
ACVIM | Total thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and thyrotropin concentrations during acute nonthyroidal illness and recovery in dogs[보러가기]
ACVIM | Pulmonary thrombotic pulmonary hypertension managed using antithrombotic and pulmonary vasodilator treatment[보러가기]
ACVIM | Influence of body weight, age, and sex on cerebrospinal fluid peak flow velocity in dogs without neurological disorders[보러가기]
ACVIM | Evaluation of antimicrobial purchasing by companion animal veterinary facilities in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America (2019-2021)[보러가기]
ACVIM | Usefulness of serum amyloid Afor the diagnosis of pyelonephritis in cats: A prospective evaluation[보러가기]
ACVIM | Thromboelastometry for assessment of hemostasis and disease severity in 42 dogs with naturally-occurring heatstroke[보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Longitudinal evaluation of the cutaneous and rectal microbiota of German shepherd dogs with perianal fistulas undergoing therapy with ciclosporin and ketoconazole[보러가기]
VES | Caudoventral hip luxationin 160 dogs (2003–2023): A multicenter retrospective case series[보러가기]
VES | Buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in five male dogs with penile urethral stricture at the bulbus glandis[보러가기]
VES | Complications and outcomes of total hip arthroplasty in dogs with luxoid hip dysplasia: 18 cases (2010–2022)[보러가기]
VES | Short-term outcomes of 43 dogs treated with arthroscopic suturing for meniscal tears associated with cranial cruciate ligament disease[보러가기]
VES | Evaluation of mediastinoscopy for cranial mediastinal and tracheobronchial lymphadenectomy in canine cadavers[보러가기]
VRU | Malignant melanoma and lymph node metastases appearing as hyperattenuating masses on computed tomography in a dog[보러가기]
VRU | Presumed post-traumatic subdural hygroma in a 2.5-year-old spayed female Chihuahua[보러가기]
VRU | Description and clinical relevance of the variable conformation of canine spinal arachnoid diverticula[보러가기]
VRU | Prevalence of canine renal crest hyperattenuation in precontrast computed tomography[보러가기]
VRU | Anatomical classification of feline congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts based on CT angiography: A SVSTS and VIRIES multi-institutional study in 231 cats[보러가기]
VRU | Three-dimensional magnetic resonance cholangiography is superior to two-dimensional single-shot magnetic resonance cholangiography for visualization and image quality of the feline and canine biliary tract: A postmortem study[보러가기]
VRU | Non-brachycephalic dogs with stertor have higher nasopharyngeal collapsibility compared with dogs without stertor and foramen lacerum level is ideal for evaluating nasopharyngeal collapse on dynamic CT[보러가기]
VRU | Pulmonary interstitial emphysema and spontaneous pneumomediastinum are more prevalent in sighthounds than other dog breeds undergoing thoracic CT[보러가기]
VRU | Computed tomographic features of exocrine pancreatic carcinomas in dogs and cats[보러가기]
VRU | Classification of the quality of canine and feline ventrodorsal and dorsoventralthoracic radiographs through machine learning[보러가기]
VRU | Comparative analysis of ocular biometry, ocular protrusion, and palpebral fissure dimensions in brachycephalic and nonbrachycephalic dog breeds[보러가기]
VRU | Computed tomographic features of canine prostatic carcinoma[보러가기]
JFMS | Psyllium husk powder increases defecation frequency and faecal score, bulk and moisture in healthy cats[보러가기]
JFMS | Evaluation of a multiagent chemotherapy protocol combining vincristine, cyclophosphamide, mitoxantrone and prednisolone (CMOP) for treatment of feline intermediate–large cell lymphoma[보러가기]
JFMS | Frequency of diabetic remission, predictorsof remission and survival in cats using a low-cost, moderate-intensity, home-monitoring protocol and twice-daily glargine[보러가기]
JFMS | Blood fibroblast growth factor 23 concentration in cats with and without chronic kidney disease: a scoping review[보러가기]
JFMS | Determination of clopidogrel effect in cats using point-of-care Plateletworks ADP and shipped samples for PFA-200 analysis in a clinical practice setting[보러가기]