ACVIM | Use of octreotide for the treatment of Protein-Iosing Enteropathy in dogs: Retrospective study of 18 cases [보러가기]
ACVIM | Aortic annular plane systolic excursion in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [보러가기]
ACVIM | Urine sodium concentration after intravenous furosemide in dogs with acute congestive heart failure and correlation with treatment efficacy[보러가기
ACVIM | Polioencephalopathy in Eurasier dogs[보러가기]
ACVIM | Clinical and genomic features of Listeria monocytogenes-associated mesentericlymphadenitis in a cat [보러가기]
ACVIM | Prevalence of eunatremic, eukalemic hypoadrenocorticism in dogs with signs of chronic gastrointestinal disease and risk of misdiagnosis after previous glucocorticoid administration [보러가기]
ACVIM | Clinical relevance of serum ionized magnesium concentration in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease[보러가기]
ACVIM | Long-term safety of dietary salt: A 5-year ProspEctive rAndomized bliNded and controlled stUdy in healThy aged cats (PEANUT study) [보러가기]
ACVIM | Relationship between thyroid function and sex hormones in female German shepherd dogs [보러가기]
ACVIM | Serum thymidine kinase 1protein concentrations and presence of its autoantibody as biomarkers for screening dogs with malignant tumors[보러가기]
ACVIM | Retrospective evaluation of hematologicalratios in canine parvovirosis: 401 cases [보러가기]
ACVIM | Use of genome-wide DNA methylation analysis to identify prognostic CpG site markers associated with longer survival time in dogs with multicentric high-grade B-cell lymphoma[보러가기]
ACVIM | MicroRNA-126 in dogs with immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis[보러가기]
ACVIM | Evaluation of the clinical outcome of hypercalcemia of malignancy and concurrent azotemia in dogs with lymphoma[보러가기]
ACVIM | Factors associated with thrombotic disease in dogs with renal proteinuria: A retrospective of 150 cases [보러가기]
ACVIM | Outcomes of surgically and conservatively managed thoracolumbar and lumbosacral intervertebral disc herniations in cats[보러가기]
ACVIM | The value of a head turn in neurolocalization[보러가기]
VES | Influence of oblique proximal ulnarosteotomy on humeral intracondylarfissures in 35 spaniel breed dogs[보러가기]
VES | Effects of cyanoacrylate on leakage pressures of cooled canine cadaveric jejunal enterotomies[보러가기]
VES | Evaluation of thoracic duct ligation and unilateral subphrenic pericardiectomy via a left fourth intercostal approach in normal canine cadavers[보러가기]
VES | Laparoscopic resection of pancreatic masses in 12 dogs[보러가기]
VES | Use of real-time near-infrared fluorescence to assess gastric viability in dogs with Gastric Dilatation Volvulus: A case-control study[보러가기]
VES | Clinical outcomes for 20 cats with congenital extrahepaticPortoSystemic Shunts treated with ameroid constrictor ring attenuation (2002–2020)[보러가기]
VRU | Diagnosis of traumatic urethral stricture in a canine patient with contrast-enhanced voiding urosonography : A case report.[보러가기]
VRU | Diagnosticimaging descriptions and prevalence of presumed phrenic lymph nodes in dogs[보러가기]
VRU | Stereotactic radiotherapy for advanced canine anal sac adenocarcinoma: an exploratory study[보러가기]
VRU | Radiographic and CT features of metallosis in a lame dog after total hip replacement: the cloud sign[보러가기]
VRU | Computed Tomographic findings in a canine ovarian teratoma[보러가기]
VRU | Determination of radiographic Vertebral Heart Score and Vertebral Left Atrial size cutoffs based on echocardiographic left atrial size in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease[보러가기]
JFMS | Osteochondrodysplasia and the c.1024G>T variant of TRPV4 gene in Scottish Fold cats: genetic and radiographicevaluation.[보러가기]
JFMS | Abdominal ultrasonographic findings of cats with Feline Infectious Peritonitis: an update [보러가기]
JFMS | Incidence of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis and urethral obstruction during COVID-19 human movement restrictionsin Queensland, Australia [보러가기]
JFMS | Construct validity, responsiveness and reliability of the Feline Grimace Scale in kittens[보러가기]
JFMS | Improving access to advanced veterinary care for rescued cats and dogs [보러가기]
JFMS | Recasting the gold standard – part I of II: delineatinghealthcare options across a continuum of care [보러가기]
JFMS | Recasting the gold standard – part II of II: communicatinghealthcareoptions along a continuum of care [보러가기]
JFMS | Decreased circulating transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and kidney TGF-β immunoreactivitypredict renal disease in cats with naturally occurring Chronic Kidney Disease[보러가기]