ACVIM | Urinary iodine clearance after iodinated contrast administration to healthy cats [보러가기]
ACVIM | Magnetic resonance imaging features of bilateral multiloculated extraneural ganglion cysts of the occipito-atlanto-axial joint causing hypoglossal nerve paralysis in a dog [보러가기]
ACVIM | A prospective multicenter observational study assessing incidenceand risk factors for acute blood transfusion reactions in dogs [보러가기]
ACVIM | Malignant transformation of an intraparenchymal hemangioma in the cervical spinal cord of a German shepherd dog [보러가기]
ACVIM | Influence of acclimatizationtime on barometric whole-body plethysmography in cats with lower airway disease[보러가기]
ACVIM | Effect of oral or subcutaneous administration of cyanocobalaminin hypocobalaminemic cats with chronic gastrointestinal disease or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency[보러가기]
ACVIM | Evaluation of the efficacy of a live Escherichia coli biotherapeutic product(asymptomatic bacteriuria E. coli 212)[보러가기]
ACVIM | Seeking simplicity, navigating complexity: How veterinarians select an antimicrobial drug, dose, and duration for companion animals[보러가기]
ACVIM | Longitudinal assessment of systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy[보러가기]
ACVIM | Diurnal variation of serum phosphorusconcentrations in intact male adult domestic cats[보러가기]
ACVIM | Open label clinical trial of orally administered molnupiravir as a first-line treatment for naturally occurring effusive feline infectious peritonitis[보러가기]
ACVIM | Observedand expected reliabilityof echocardiographic volumetric methods and critical change values for quantification of mitral regurgitant fraction in dogs[보러가기]
ACVIM | Two-dimensional echocardiographic right heart ratios for assessment of right heart size in dogs: Reference intervals and reproducibility[보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Canine pigmented viral plaques associated with application of potent topical glucocorticoids[보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Updated insights into the molecular pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis[보러가기]
VSU | Hybrid, transarticular external fixation with platelet-rich plasma injection as a treatment for partial calcaneal tendon disruption in dogs without primary tenorrhaphy [보러가기]
VSU | Laparoscopic ultrasound-guided microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in a dog[보러가기]
VSU | Surgical treatment of traumatic nasal avulsion in a brachycephalic dog[보러가기]
VSU | Combined forequarter amputation and hemilaminectomyfor treatment of canine peripheral nerve sheath tumors of the brachial plexus invading the spinal canal: Surgical technique and outcome in nine dogs[보러가기]
VRU | Ultrasonographic diagnosis of a cecal mucocele in a cat[보러가기]
VRU | Magnetic resonance imaging signal changes at the intramuscular injection site in dogs: Comparison of medetomidineand saline[보러가기]
VRU | A “gullwing sign” on magnetic resonance imaging of extradural spinal tumors in dogs and cats allows prioritizationof round cell neoplasia[보러가기]
VRU | CT findings in a dog with chronic giant hypertrophic gastritis: Ménétrier-like disease[보러가기]
VRU | Characteristics and diagnostic performance of nonechoplanar diffusion-weighted imaging in detecting canine tympanokeratoma(cholesteatoma)[보러가기]
VRU | Quantitative MRI for brain lesion diagnosisin dogs and cats: A comprehensive overview[보러가기]
VRU | Evaluation of measurements for tracheal hypoplasia in French bulldogs[보러가기]
😾 고양이
JFMS | Hypoadrenocorticismin cats: a 40-year update[보러가기]
JFMS | Signalmentand laboratoryfindings in cats with diabetes mellitus in Germany: a retrospective review of laboratory submissions of 129,505 cats[보러가기]
JFMS | The incidence and trends of proteinuria, azotemiaand hypertensionin cats receiving toceranib phosphate[보러가기]
JFMS | Clinical perioperative outcomes in 39 cats aftersingle session bilateral femoral head and neck excision[보러가기]
JFMS | Use of the subcutaneous ureteral bypass device and urethral stenting for treatment of malignant urinary outflow tract obstructions in cats[보러가기]
JFMS | Clinical outcome of cats with suppurative otitis media and intact tympanum submitted to myringotomy: retrospective findings from 26 cases[보러가기]
JFMS | Histopathologicalchanges in testicular lesionsin cats[보러가기]
JFMS | Video-based compilation of acute pain behavioursin cats[보러가기]
JFMS | Outcome of traumatic elbow luxation managed withtemporary transarticular external skeletal fixation in eight cats[보러가기]
JFMS | Stapled enterectomyreduces surgical time when compared with sutured enterectomy: a retrospective review of 54 cats[보러가기]
JFMS | Use of a quadratus lumborum block in queens undergoing ovariectomy: a randomised controlled trial[보러가기]
🏆 지난 호 인기 TOP 5
JFMS | Rational use of gastroprotectants in cats: an evidence-based approach[보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Long-term use of lokivetmabin dogs with atopic dermatitis[보러가기]
ACVIM | Long-term evaluation of the initial response to therapy in 60 dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathy[보러가기]
ACVIM | Feline acute patient physiologic and laboratory evaluation scores and other prognostic factors in cats with first-time diabetic ketoacidosis[보러가기]
Veterinary Dermatology | Effect of ear cleaning on treatmentoutcome for canine otitis externa[보러가기]